Shark Attacks in Texas

In the vast expanse of the Texas coastline, the beauty of the sea invites countless tourists each year. However, with human interaction comes the occasional and often misunderstood encounter with nature’s marine predators. Our weekly updates on shark attacks in Texas aim to provide accurate information, helping to ensure safe interactions between people and these majestic creatures. Stay informed and enjoy the wonders of the Gulf without unnecessary fear.Shark Attacks in Texas

Recent Shark Attacks in Texas

Date / TimeCountry / AreaActivityNameSex / AgeInjurySpecies
12-07-2022 USA ,TexasSurfingmaleM Foot bittenBlacktip
08-28-2021 11h45USA ,TexasBoogie boardingmaleM Lacerations both sides of lower leg immediately above the ankle
08-09-2018 10h00USA ,TexasSpearfishingBlaine SheltonM /42Laceration to right leg above the kneeSaid to involve a bull shark, 5' to 6'
07-16-2018 18h00USA ,TexasSurfingLaura DeanF Single laceration to right thigh inconsistent with shark bite
04-28-2018 USA ,TexasFishingMike RuthenbackM Forearm bitten by hooked shark PROVOKED INCIDENTSandtiger shark'
09-02-2017 USA ,TexasSwimmingfemaleF Lacerations to foot
06-14-2016 17h30USA ,TexasFloating in tubeMarin Alice MeltonF /6Injury to lower leg3' to 4' shark
01-24-2016 09h30 / 10h00USA ,TexasSpearfishingKeith LoveM Bruised ribs & tail bone, speargun broken and wetsuit cutBull sharks x 2
10-05-2015 10h00USA ,TexasWadingGregory SlaughterM /13Foot & hands bitten4' to 5' shark
06-07-2014 AfternoonUSA ,TexasKneeling in the waterMikaela Amezaga MedinaF /14Shallow lacerations & puncture wounds below shoulder
06-17-2013 14h45USA ,TexasSwimmingGarrett SebestaM /15Left leg & hand bitten
08-28-2011 19h00USA ,TexasWade FishingMary LocklearF /39Lacerations to anterior left shin, abrasion to posteior right leg
07-13-2011 20h30USA ,TexasSurf fishingEugenio González PaezM Lacerations to left foot
07-07-2011 17h00USA ,TexasSwimmingNicholas VosslerM /12Foot bitten
07-07-2011 USA ,TexasWade FishingShawn HamiltonM /14Lacerations to right foot
05-30-2011 15h00USA ,TexasStanding or boogie boardinKori RobertsonF /22Lacerations & punctures to right thigh
03-29-2011 USA ,TexasStanding, holding shark pupOrlandoM Minor laceration to shoulder from captive shark PROVOKED INCIDENTBlacktip shark pup
07-16-2010 USA ,TexasFishingCharlie GauzerM Leg bitten
06-27-2010 USA ,TexasSurfingChad RogersM /20Lacerations to right footBull shark, 5'
07-24-2009 AfternoonUSA ,TexasWadingDeidre CasasF /14Lacerations to anterior left lower leg
10-07-2006 USA ,TexasSurfingFreddy TorresM Lacerations to lower left leg1' to 4' shark
07-23-2006 USA ,TexasSurf fishingR.K. HalbertM Right foot bittenBull shark, 4' to 5'
08-19-2005 20h00USA ,TexasWalkingJulian ElizondoM /12Left foot bitten
07-13-2005 13h00USA ,TexasHolding onto an inflatable boatLydia PaulkF /14Left foot bitten[4' to 5']
06-02-2005 MorningUSA ,TexasWadingmaleM /6Two 2-inch lacerations on right foot
04-07-2005 19h00USA ,TexasSurfingGianluca FerrarioM /37Left foot bitten
09-10-2004 Between 05h00 and 08h00USA ,TexasSurf fishingmaleM Minor scratch on calfShark involvement questionable
07-27-2004 16h30USA ,TexasSwimmingErika HaileyF /19Right foot bitten1.2 m to 1.5 m [4' to 5'] shark
07-25-2004 19h30USA ,TexasWading / fishing & carrying a bag of fishAaron PerezM /11Right forearm nearly severed and bites above & below the right kneeBull shark
05-29-2004 19h45USA ,TexasWadingRyan EckstrumM /16Puncture wounds on shin0.9 m to 1.5 m [3' to 5'] shark
05-04-2004 16h30USA ,TexasTandem surfingRachel GoreM /28No injury, board bittenMako shark, 1.8 m [6']
08-29-2003 12h20USA ,TexasFishingSaul GonzalezM PROVOKED INCIDENT Hooked shark pulled onboard bit his arm1.2 m [4'] bull shark
06-12-2001 USA ,TexasSwimmingJared BlackM /14Leg lacerated1.5 m [5'] shark
05-29-2001 USA ,TexasmaleM /16Survived
07-07-2000 USA ,TexasJumpingRobby DoolittleM /5Ankle & foot laceratedLemon shark, 2.1 m to 2.4 m [7' to 8']
06-10-2000 16h00USA ,TexasSurfingKenny AlexanderM /17Foot laceratedBlacktip shark, 1.2 m to 1.8 m [4' to 6']
08-05-1997 USA ,TexasWadingfemaleF /10Wrist & am bitten1 m shark
07-06-1995 USA ,TexasSurfingMark GeorgeM /34Foot bitten
08-19-1990 USA ,TexasSurfingmaleM Minor cuts to foot
08-19-1990 13h30USA ,TexasWade fishingJimmy AllenM /18Minor injury
07-22-1990 EveningUSA ,TexasWadingBarbara GreenF /5310-inch laceration to right foot
10-11-1989 EveningUSA ,TexasSurfingJason LargentM /12Foot & leg bitten4' shark
07-07-1989 USA ,TexasPlayingRene RichbourgF /9Leg bitten4' shark
07-12-1987 18h30USA ,TexasBody surfingCarol ViauF /32Left foot bitten4' shark
07-12-1987 14h30USA ,TexasWadingBrenda KingF /16Puncture wounds to right foot4' shark
04-18-1987 18h00USA ,TexasSwimmingApril Dawn VoglinoF /16Right arm severed above elbow
07-24-1984 12h00USA ,TexasSwimmingCarmen GaytanF /18Legs severely lacerated1.2 m [4'] shark
07-24-1984 14h30USA ,TexasSwimminggirlF /13Lacerations on right foot
06-06-1977 USA ,TexasCollecting fish from netDan Baen, Jr.M /25Lacerations to wristBull shark, 4' to 5'
04-28-1976 USA ,TexasUnknown Possible drowning victim, remains retrieved from 400-lb shark caught by fishermen on 28-Apr-1976Shark involvement prior to death was not confirmed
05-25-1969 19h00USA ,TexasSurf-fishingWalter BarnettM Foot lacerated when he stepped on the shark PROVOKED INCIDENT2' to 3' shark
07-31-1966 USA ,TexasDiving for sand dollarsRobert W. RussellM /16Dorsum of right foot grazedLemon shark or sandtiger shark
07-17-1966 15h00USA ,TexasFishingTommy BarilekM /14Lacerations to right foot
06-04-1966 17h00USA ,TexasSwimmingDavid N. HolmgreenM /18Punctures on thigh & buttocka small shark
08-19-1962 15h30USA ,TexasSurf fishing in waist-deep waterHans FixM /40FATAL, lower right leg bittenUnknown
08-25-1960 USA ,TexasAircraft crashed into seaNaval aviatorM Partial human remains spotted by helicopter, shark involvement, if any, may have been post-mortumShark involvement prior to death was not confirmed
04-04-1953 AfternoonUSA ,TexasSwimmingSusan SmithF /19Lacerations to right foot
07-10-1950 USA ,TexasSwimmingMark Majors IIIM /11Laceration to legHammerhead shark
07-09-1950 USA ,TexasM Human remains found in sharkShark involvement prior to death was not confirmed
02-13-1948 USA ,TexasC47 aircraft carrying 5,000 lbs of ice ditched in the seaPilot, Neil WomackM FATAL. Womack was injured when plane went down, 3 days later he fell off liferaft & was taken by a shark
07-14-1939 MorningUSA ,TexasSeine nettingJohn BollingM Leg bitten by snared shark PROVOKED INCIDENT18' shark
06-15-1937 NightUSA ,TexasSwimmingHal A. Thompson, Jr.M /14FATAL
05-30-1937 USA ,TexasFishingWilliam SiskaloM Leg nipped by hooked shark PROVOKED INCIDENT4' shark
07-14-1932 USA ,TexasmaleM /17Body recovered from 9' shark but death due to shark bite was not confirmedShark involvement prior to death unconfirmed
08-18-1931 USA ,TexasSwimmingP. Kincaid ZifflewwiggettM Minor injury
05-27-1930 18h00USA ,TexasSwimming / floatingA.B. WattigneyM Lacerations to arm
09-01-1928 USA ,TexasFishingW.R. LoesbergM Knee bitten
09-23-1911 Early morningUSA ,TexasJumped overboard to rescue companionJohn Blomquist, a dredgermanM FATAL
05-01-1911 USA ,TexasFishingMateo ZapedaM Bitten on left leg by hooked shark PROVOKED INCIDENT5' shark
01-01-1911 USA ,TexasSwimminga sailorM Minor injury to feet


In Texas, United States, the authorities work to decrease the risk of shark attacks through implementing rigorous beach patrols, maintaining shark activity monitoring programs, and providing public education on shark behavior and safety guidelines. These measures aim to ensure the safety of beachgoers while also preserving the marine ecosystem of Texas.


In Texas, United States, most shark attacks are typically unprovoked – occurring when sharks mistake humans for their natural prey. However, a smaller percentage of incidents can be provoked, often resulting from humans inadvertently triggering an aggressive response due to intrusive actions.


In the past decade, Texas, United States, has witnessed a slight increase in the number of shark attacks, with a notable concentration during the warmer summer months when both humans and sharks are more active in coastal waters. However, it’s crucial to note that despite this trend, the overall risk of shark attacks in Texas remains relatively low compared to other coastal areas in the country.

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