Shark Attacks in South Carolina

South Carolina, with its stunning coastlines, attracts countless visitors each year. While the beaches offer an idyllic retreat, they also bring humans closer to the marine ecosystem, including sharks. Recent incidents have raised concerns and piqued interest in shark attacks. This page is dedicated to providing weekly updates on these shark attacks in South Carolina. Whether you’re a concerned tourist or a curious local, stay informed and make the most of your time by the sea.

Shark Attacks in South Carolina

Recent Shark Attacks in South Carolina

Date / TimeCountry / AreaActivityNameSex / AgeInjurySpecies
07-21-2023 13h20USA ,South CarolinaBoogie boardingJohn MistlerM /60Right foot injured8' shark
05-14-2023 17h00USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingClaire GugertyF /24Minor inuries to right knee
08-15-2022 11h17USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingfemaleF Minor injury to leg
08-15-2022 12h00USA ,South CarolinaStandingKarrren SitesF Multiple lLacerations to right forearmBlacktip shark
06-21-2022 USA ,South CarolinamaleM
08-03-2021 11h46USA ,South Carolinaa lifguardM Lacerations to lower bodyBlacktip shark
05-23-2021 USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingWyatt BowmanM /26Minor injuries to foot and ankle5' shark
08-30-2020 11h30USA ,South CarolinaSurfingLiam ModzelewskiM /12Injury to right foot and ankle
08-19-2020 1415.0USA ,South CarolinaWadingNicole StowerssF Minor injury to arm by a fish
09-15-2019 USA ,South CarolinaErica HedrickF /22Foot bitten
07-02-2018 14h40USA ,South CarolinaBoogie boardingPeyton ForceF /11Minor injury, puncture marks to left lower leg
05-21-2018 USA ,South CarolinaBoogie boardingTrey de BoerM /10Injuries to lower right leg and foot
05-13-2018 15h00USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingJei TurrellM /10Severe bite to right forearm
08-10-2017 13h30USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingLinton SuttleM /13Minor cuts to sole & toes of left footPossibly a juvenile blacktip shark
07-29-2017 AfternoonUSA ,South Carolinafemale x 2F /12Bite to left thigh / minor injury
07-29-2017 15h00USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingJohnny SimatacolosM /10Abrasions and cuts to sole of footA small shark
07-20-2017 USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingEllie RogierF /8Foot injuredShark involvement not confirmed
06-29-2017 19h30USA ,South CarolinaFishingmaleM Arm injured by hook, not by a sharkNo shark invovlement
06-21-2017 USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingOlivia WallhauserF /16Left foot bitten
06-18-2017 USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingRegan ReadnourF /14Leg bittenBull shark, 4' to 5'
05-30-2017 USA ,South CarolinaTouching a sharkMackenzie HigginsF /20Right hand bitten by hooked shark PROVOKED INCIDENT3' shark
04-29-2017 11h00USA ,South CarolinaSurfingHolly DyarF /33Left foot bitten
04-20-2017 08h50USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingmaleM Laceration & puncture wounds to left footShark involvement not confirmed
02-01-2017 USA ,South CarolinaFishingTagging sharks, Chip Michelove & crew Shark bit boat, no injury to occupantsWhite shark, female, 14'
09-05-2016 Late afternoonUSA ,South CarolinaBoogie boardingRylie WilliamsF /12Lacerations & punctures to lower right leg
07-15-2016 USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingmaleM Puncture wounds to foot
06-27-2016 16h20USA ,South CarolinamaleM /35Minor injury3' to 4' shark
06-21-2016 15h25USA ,South CarolinaFloatingJeff SchottM /42Lacerations and punctures to foot3' to 5' shark
06-07-2016 11h30USA ,South CarolinaSurfingJack O'NeillM /27No injury, board damagedSaid to involve an 8' shark but more likely damage caused by debris
10-09-2015 16h20USA ,South CarolinaBoogie boardingMeti KershnerF /9Laceration to forearm
09-03-2015 16h00USA ,South CarolinaChip WagnerM Right foot bitten4' shark?
08-20-2015 12h30USA ,South CarolinaSurfingDylan PeytonM /15Injuries to left calf, arm and hand4' shark
07-26-2015 10h10USA ,South CarolinaFloatingfemaleF /352' cut to dorsum of foot, 2 puncture wounds to soleThought to involve a 3' to 4' shark, but shark involvement not confirmed
06-30-2015 18h05USA ,South CarolinaPlaying in the waterKysen WeakleyM /12Shallow lacerations & puncture to lateral left leg4' to 5' shark
06-26-2015 11h00USA ,South CarolinaStandingLance Donahue, JrM /43Puncture wounds to foot4' shark
06-23-2015 USA ,South CarolinaStandingmaleM /9Minor injury to calfsmall shark
05-15-2015 14h15USA ,South CarolinamaleM /30Laceration to foot6' shark
10-14-2014 USA ,South CarolinaStanding in inner tubeKyra BandyF /7Lacerations to left footBull shark, 3' to 4'
08-27-2014 15h00USA ,South CarolinaStandingfemaleF Heel bitten
08-06-2014 14h00USA ,South CarolinaBoogie boardingRiley HarrisM /10Lacerations to right leg & foot4' tp 5' shark
07-03-2014 18h15-18h30USA ,South CarolinaBody surfingChristian FairbourneM /19Right hand bitten4' to 5' shark
05-06-2014 15h00USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingKimberly PoppF /40Lacerations to left foot4' to 5' shark
09-08-2013 USA ,South CarolinafemaleF No details
08-11-2013 17h30USA ,South CarolinaSurfingTyson RoystonM /10No injury, shark became entangled in his surfboard leashBull shark, 8'
07-30-2013 USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingTy BretzM /32Foot bitten
06-25-2013 12h45USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingJoshua WatsonM /14Bitten on lower right leg, reported as a minor injury4' to 5' shark
06-14-2013 AfternoonUSA ,South CarolinaBoogie BoardingAllison ForemanF /10Puncture marks to hand4' to 5' shark
06-19-2012 USA ,South CarolinaStandingMatthew BreenM /16Laceration to foot. Injured by a stingray, not a sharkNo shark involvement
06-14-2012 13h20USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingJordon GarosaloM /16Laceration to right footBlacktip shark
06-14-2012 AfternoonUSA ,South CarolinaSwimmingmaleM Minor injuryShark involvement not confirmed
06-14-2012 AfternoonUSA ,South CarolinaSwimmingfemaleF /18Foot & hand bittensmall blacktip shark?
06-14-2012 AfternoonUSA ,South CarolinaSwimmingmaleM Calf bittensmall blacktip shark?
06-02-2012 19h45USA ,South CarolinaBoogie BoardingRyan Orellana-MaczynskiM /25Severe laceration to foot
09-24-2011 10h00USA ,South CarolinaJumping in the wavesIsaac O'Hara,M /5Laceration to left thigh
08-15-2011 USA ,South CarolinaPlaying in the surfRudy VarneyM /7Puncture wounds to footShark involvement not confirmed
07-25-2010 USA ,South CarolinaStandingAlex StammM /16Lacerations to right lower leg4' shark
07-19-2010 10h35USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingJosh MyersM /10Minor lacerations to left calfPossibly a small blacktip shark
06-25-2010 USA ,South CarolinaBoogie BoardingElla MorrisF /6Laceration to leg
08-18-2008 USA ,South CarolinamaleM /7Minor injuriesShark involvement not confirmed
07-11-2008 14h00USA ,South CarolinaSurfingmaleM /24Laceration to foream
07-05-2008 14h21USA ,South CarolinaJ.L.F /17Lacerations to right foot
06-26-2008 11h15USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingPreston PearmanM /37Lacerations to hand4.5 to 5' shark
06-01-2008 18h30USA ,South CarolinaBody surfingMadi TaffF /15Foot bitten5' shark
09-04-2007 18h30USA ,South CarolinaStandingRory CorrM /15Lacerations to left calf and both feet
08-19-2007 10h00USA ,South CarolinaPlayingmaleM /7Right calf bitten
08-09-2007 16h40USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingNoah GreenM /30Lacerations to right foot
08-09-2007 14h00USA ,South CarolinaBoogie BoardingChase CrawfordM /9Lacerations to lower leg & ankle
05-26-2007 17h00USA ,South CarolinaWadingSusan DornquastF Lacerations to lower leg
07-17-2006 10h00USA ,South CarolinaStandingDallas JacksonM /49Left ankle & foot bittenAngel shark, 1.2m
07-12-2006 13h30USA ,South CarolinaSwimmingfemaleF /21Ankle & foot bitten


After a shark attack in South Carolina, authorities recommend immediate medical attention for the victim. The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources also advises reporting the incident to them as soon as possible to help with their ongoing shark monitoring and safety efforts


Yes, you can swim in South Carolina’s waters after a shark attack, but it’s advised to exercise caution and heed the guidance of local authorities and lifeguards. South Carolina officials diligently monitor shark activity and will provide updates on safety conditions to ensure the wellbeing of beachgoers.


Not all beaches in South Carolina have the same risk of shark attacks. The risk can vary based on factors such as geographical location, the presence of certain marine life, and the time of year, among other variables.

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