Shark Attacks in Malta

Malta, with its azure waters and stunning coastline, is a haven for both tourists and sea creatures alike, but recently, shark attacks have garnered attention. While these incidents remain rare, staying updated is essential for locals and travelers. We’re dedicated to bringing you the latest details, updated weekly on shark attacks in Malta, to ensure your safety while enjoying Malta’s marine beauty. With proper knowledge and caution, the balance between enjoying the seas and respecting its inhabitants can be maintained.

Shark Attacks in Malta

Recent Shark Attacks in Malta

Date / TimeCountry / AreaActivityNameSex / AgeInjurySpecies
08-07-2010 MALTA WindsurfingDavid BonaviaM /35No injury, sail bitten3 m shark
08-01-1956 MALTA ,Congreve ChannelFishingboat: occupants: Nazzareno Zammit & Emmanuel No injury to occupants, but Emmanuel later died of shock in hospitalPorbeagle or white shark
07-20-1956 MALTA ,St. Thomas BaySwimmingJack SmedleyM /40FATALWhite shark
03-07-1907 MALTA ,Harare ProvinceFishing2 fishermenM FATAL, Fell overboard and were killed by sharkWhite shark, 6 m
02-25-1890 MALTA ,Munxar ReefFishing boat with 4 men on board was rammed & capsized by a shark, throwing all occupants into the waterSalvatore & Agostino BugejaM FATAL, 2 men were lost, presumed taken by the shark


Local fishermen in Malta are usually experienced in handling encounters with sharks. They often use techniques such as avoiding direct contact and refraining from disturbing the sharks, thus ensuring both their safety and the preservation of Malta’s marine life. These measures are reflective of Malta’s broader commitment to marine conservation.


In Malta, no specific water sports or activities are considered riskier for shark encounters. The frequency of shark sightings is extremely low across all forms of water-related activities, making Malta a safe destination for a broad range of oceanic pursuits.


Yes, marine biologists in Malta actively study shark behavior as one of the strategies to mitigate attacks. They conduct research on local shark populations to understand their behaviors and migration patterns, which significantly contributes to the safety measures and public awareness campaigns in Malta.

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