Gulf Wobbegong

The gulf wobbegong is a species of wobbegong found in Australia. It is very close in appearance to the ornate wobbegong – to the point where the two species even share a common name, the banded wobbegong.

Gulf Wobbegong Scientific Classification

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Chondrichthyes
Order Orectolobiformes
Family Orectolobidae
Genus Orectolobus
Scientific Name O. halei


While very similar in appearance to the ornate wobbegong, these sharks have a larger head and fewer dermal lobes than the ornate wobbegong.

Similar to other wobbegongs, the gulf wobbegong has a small mouth and a broad pharynx. They have a series of darker corrugated saddles over a yellowish to brown-grey dorsal region.

Where do they live

This wobbegong has a small range in Australia, throughout southern Australia, from Southport, Queensland, to Norwegian Bay, Western Australia.

They are commonly spotted around coral reef lagoons, macroalgal-covered reefs, reef flats, faces, and channels. During the day, they will rest in caves, on large sponges, or under ledges.



Their diet consists of small fish and sharks.


Gulf wobbegongs give live birth to a litter ranging from 12 to 47 pups after gestating for 10-11 months. Sexual maturity is observed at about 16 years of age.


Like other wobbegongs, the gulf wobbegong will use its coloration to camouflage itself to capture prey unsuspected.

Interactions with humans

The IUCN classifies this shark as “Least Concern” or “LC”.

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