Shortnose Sawshark

The shortnose sawshark, or the southern sawshark, is a benthic sawshark found off the coasts of Australia.

Shortnose Sawshark Scientific Classification

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Chondrichthyes
Order Pristiophoriformes
Family Pristiophoridae
Genus Pristiophorus
Scientific Name P. nudipinnis


Male shortnose sawsharks are about 3.6 ft long, while females are 4.1 ft long. Their bodies are compressed, with a narrow rostrum, which makes up 22% and 24% of the shark’s total body length. There are 17-19 lateral rostral sawtooth, 12-14 before the barbells, and 6-8 after them.

When looked at from above, this shark is a slate grey, while it is creamy when looked at from below. There are dusky stripes along the rostrum.

Where do they live

Map Of The Shortnose Sawshark’s Habitat

Shortnose Sawshark Habitat Map

It lives around southern Australia, in temperate or sub-tropical waters at depths of 230 ft, though some specimens have been observed at 531 ft.



Shortnose sawsharks feed on benthic fish and invertebrates.


It is ovoviviparous, biannually giving birth to a litter of 7-14 pups. At birth, a pup is about 14 inches on average.

A shortnose sawshark has a lifespan of 9 years.


Like all sawsharks, it uses its rostrum for hunting as well as in defense against predators.

Interactions with humans

This species is harmless to humans due to its size. Due to its high reproductive rate, the IUCN classified it as “Least Concern” or “LC” despite its small range and being caught as a bycatch by gillnet fisheries.

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