Sharks in the Netherlands

The North Sea is home to several shark species, such as the basking shark, the blue shark, and the spiny dogfish. They are commonly seen along the Dutch coast and the Oosterschelde estuary.

Sharks in the Netherlands

List of the Different Types of Sharks in the Netherlands

Species Maximum Size Aggressiveness
Angel Shark 4-7 feet Moderately aggressive
Basking Shark 23-30 feet Not aggressive
Blue Shark 6-11 feet Not aggressive
Common Smooth-hound Shark 3-4 feet Not aggressive
Common Thresher Shark 12-18 feet Not aggressive
Nursehound Shark 4.3-5.2 feet Not aggressive
Porbeagle Shark 6-12 feet Not aggressive
School Shark 6-7 feet Not aggressive
Small Spotted Catshark 2.5-3 feet Not aggressive
Spiny Dogfish 2.5-3.5 feet Not aggressive (due to their small size)
Starry Smooth-hound 4-4.7 feet Not aggressive



Great whites are not usually seen in Dutch waters as they tend to be colder than the shark can tolerate.

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