Onefin Catshark

The Onefin catshark belongs to the catshark family and is the only member of its genus. They are known for their five gill slits and single dorsal fin, unique among all shark species. Scientists know little about this species as only two specimens have been discovered till now.

Onefin Catshark Scientific Classification

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Chondrichthyes
Order Carcharhiniformes
Family Scyliorhinidae
Genus Pentanchus
Scientific name P. profundicolus


There is no information about the average length of this species. The only adult male caught measured 51 cm (1.7 ft), while the other juvenile specimen was 38 cm (1.2 ft) long.

They have a brownish body with a short abdomen and a flat, spatula-shaped head. The mouth is short, with long furrows and tricuspid teeth in both jaws. Their snout is blunt and longer than the width of the mouth. It is characterized by its lone dorsal fin and five gill slits.

The pectoral and pelvic fins are near each other. The anal fin is extremely long and low, and the caudal fin is uncrested with a subterminal notch.

Where do they live

Map Of The Onefin Catshark’s Habitat

Onefin Catshark Habitat Map

This shark occurs in the Northwest Pacific in the Philippines. Researchers first caught it in the Mindanao Sea on the Philippine coast. It is a deepwater species inhabiting the insular slope at depths of 673-1,069 m (2,208-3,510 ft).



They are oviparous like other members of the catshark family.


Like other sharks, they have keen senses, streamlined bodies, and sharp, pointed teeth for hunting prey.

Human interactions

They are harmless to humans and are of no commercial interest due to their rarity. There are no conservation efforts for this shark, and the IUCN has listed them as “Least Concern” or “LC.”

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